My Dog Died This Week

Our dog died a few days ago.

It prompted me to start this site I had been putting off for some time due to other work commitments.

With any new project, there's a strong tendency to wait for all the stars to align perfectly before pushing the button. But this time I decided to just launch.

Emotion can be a huge driver for action and with Rupert passing away at age eleven it brought back memories of when and how I became vegan.

I was a huge meat eater, but about thirteen years ago I read a book about factory farming.  It changed me and from that point, I became a vegan.

I vividly remember watching some videos of cows being slaughtered.  The camera zoomed close up to their eyes and you could peer right through, feeling the utter shock and fear of what was happening.

Rupert was sitting on my knee at the time.  I looked into his eyes and felt a common bond between animals, realising that one was unlucky to be born into one situation and Rupert into another.

I decided never to eat meat again.

But now, all these years later, it's quite amazing to know that in the very near future, I'll be eating meat again while still being able to hold my vegan morals.  I couldn't have imagined at the time, that real meat would be grown without any harm to animals.

This blog will document my personal journey and beliefs around animals, veganism and Cultivated Meat.

RIP Rupert ❤️

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